- 2/12/24 17:00
Content analysis of a chair’s statement from an accounting perspective - Electricity Supply Board of Ireland, 1927-2023
El próximo seminario de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Turismo se impartirá el lunes 2 de diciembre a las 17h en el aula 0.3A. La información del seminario y del ponente es la siguiente:
Prof. Martin Quinn (QUEENS'S BELFAST UNIVERSITY - Ireland)
- Título de la presentación: Content analysis of a chair’s statement from an accounting perspective - Electricity Supply Board of Ireland, 1927-2023
- Fecha: lunes 2 diciembre 2024
- Hora: 17:00 - 18:00 horas
- Dónde: Aula 0.3A de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Turismo, en Alcalá de Henares
- Link registro: enlace para registrarse
- Calendario seminarios:
Biografía: Professor of Accounting at Queen's Management School, Belfast. His research focuses on organisational and accounting change (including accounting information systems change), accounting history and accounting in family business. From a theoretical perspective, He draws mainly on institutional theory, organizational routines and change frameworks. He also does some content analysis research, typically of accounting narratives.
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